School for educational assistance (Darmstadt area)
“School for educational assistance” PETRA Darmstadt offers individually designed forms of schooling and care with the aim of (re-)integrating children with special educational needs and diagnosed psychological and behavioural disorders between the ages of 6 and 12 (grades 1 – 6).
With this “school for educational assistance” PETRA represents an important component in the framework of the school supervisory area of the city of Darmstadt.
For students who are socially and emotionally severely burdened and for whom no other programme has taken effect, this offer is a sensible alternative to possible external placement.
In line with the specific educational and psychological support needs, special needs schoolteachers and social workers interact together closely in PETRA “school for educational assistance”.
Advising and supporting the legal guardians is just as important a part of the work as is the close cooperation with the schools of origin and target schools of the institutionalized children.