School for educational assistance (Schlüchtern area)
In cooperation with “Bergwinkelschule Schlüchtern BFZ (Beratungs- und Förderzentrum)“ (advice and support centre) and the school and child service department of the Main-Kinzig-district, help and support for parents and children are offered as part of a time-out class or outpatient services.
The performance framework includes an individual design of forms of schooling and care according to the educational-psychological support needs of children and adolescents in close cooperation with special schoolteachers and social workers.
Primary goal is the reintegration into regular school and the dissolving of special educational needs.
The systematic “SILENTIUM”-concept developed by “Projekt PETRA” is used in post-school homework area.
Work with the families is taking place in systematic discussions with parents as well as handovers and crisis interventions.