Quick clarification in the event of crisis. Clearing.

An institutionalized and systematic clearing process is a key conceptual factor in taking into care. It is primarily used to redeem the shortest possible length of stay in the facility.

The quicker and more thoroughly the crisis situation is explored, analysed and interpreted, the quicker  solutions can be developed, and decisions made.

The person in charge (public agencies of youth services, possibly family courts, custodians) can make quick decisions based on the given information. So material is available for use in family court and expert proceedings in a timely manner.

Our own clearing department is associated to our taking into custody centre (taking into custody of infants, small children to the age of 6 years, adolescents and siblings, each a separate department).

The clearng department supports all units in analysis and exploration of crisis situation and offers help in developing good solutions and accelerating decision-making processes.

A team of several people is on duty, combining skills from psychology, child- and adolescent psychiatry and medicine.