Beyond time. Catamnesis study.

Questions about sustainability of family support are becoming increasingly important for professional and fiscal reasons.

“Projekt PETRA” has therefore started to systemically evaluate all service processes.

Under the project title catamnesis the care successes are reviewed up to three years after the support. Professionals from the research group “PETRA” are guests in families and record using standardized survey procedures with semi-standardized interviews as well as document analyses the current status of children and adolescents.

That way, an extensive empirical database could be created which is continuously subjected to scientific analysis. The resulting gain in knowledge is used to ensure long-term effectiveness of the pedagogical-therapeutic concepts in “Projekt PETRA”.

On the other hand, the results are reflected on in joint events with statutory agencies. This, as well as regular publication of catamnesis-results in lectures and publications, creates a high degree of transparency, which is particularly valued by statutory agencies.

Systemic practical research beyond the end of the support generates knowledge to optimally protect children, adolescents, and parents in difficult life-situations.

Out of a profession ethos “Projekt PETRA” is committing itself to a long-term effectiveness of educational support. However, technically effective, and sustainable help also achieve other beneficial effects such as significant savings in follow-up costs.
